Why you need to know about SSL and how it affects your SEO

Written by Carly Snider | 9/24/15 7:49 PM

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The security of your website is a top priority for Google, so much so that in 2014 Google called for HTTPS everywhere.

You may have seen HTTPS or Hypertext Transform Protocol Secure before, in a url (https://), or you may have been asked to switch to it on sites like Facebook.

HTTPS protects a user's data when they share their personal information, like their credit card, on a site. HTTPS is powered by SSL or Secure Sockets Layer and is the way to protect your site and your customers information from hackers.

SSL is important for your website, in this blog, you will learn more about why it is important and how not having a secure site can affect your SEO.  


What is SSL?

SSL is the standard internet security protocol. The technology allows for a secure and encrypted link to be established between a web server and browser. That link ensures that the information fed between the server and browser remains private.

Websites that do not have SSL are susceptible to hackers, if the url reads http:// then private data can be easily recorded and sent to a hacker.

How to check if your website has SSL

  • First your URL should have https:// and a little lock to the left
  • Click the lock to view the connection
  • Click certification information to check validity. The can be determined under the certificates validity timeline


What SSL means for your SEO 

In 2014 SSL, became apart of Google search ranking algorithm, as the company began running tests to ensure a website's secure and encrypted connection. While the strength of it’s effect on your ranking barely hits 1%, Google has warned that overtime it’s importance to your ranking would increase.

Google’s philosophy is that any website accessed from a search on their site should be secured, in other words HTTPS everywhere.


All website owners need to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep not only google happy but, your users safe and secure. In fact, we're doing the switch over on our own site as you're reading this.

Hughes & Co. can work with you to determine what pages on your website need encryption, from there we can determine what certificates are required to ensure security.