Why mobile responsive websites matter, a lot

Written by Carly Snider | 7/20/17 1:41 PM

How often are you on your phone? A lot, right? Studies show that mobile use of the internet is soaring, so much so, that most North Americans are now spending 70% of their time browsing the internet from a mobile device.

This is a big number and it's important to note that mobile devices are not limited to the the smart phones in your pockets, instead they extend to include your iPads and your tablets.

Providing an optimal experience for mobile browsers on your company website has never mattered more.



With the rise of mobile browsing, not surprisingly, consumption levels are at an all time high and users are demanding mobile friendly websites, in fact they expect it.

Mobile users have become accustomed to mobile responsive websites that provide an easy read and easy navigation experience. Studies show that users refuse to use a website that requires zooming or scrolling.

Additionally and maybe most importantly, mobile users are willing to buy and submit forms from their mobile devices. If your website is not mobile friendly, you're leaving money on the table.



The reasons why we believe mobile responsive websites matter.

1. Google's algorithm punishes websites that are not mobile friendly

2. Users leave websites immediately if they are not user friendly on their mobile device

3. Users are willing to buy and submit their information on mobile - it's a billion dollar market

4. Tablets have become the most used device for online shopping

5. A bad mobile site is a part of your reputation. The people who land on your site and leave will go straight to your competition and never consider your brand again.

6. User experience matters to Google and to your visitors

7. More Google searches are done on mobile devices than desktops

8. Your competitors have mobile friendly sites and are outpacing you

9. It's easy to create a mobile-friendly website now and responsive design will adapt to future devices

10. Social posts and blogs bring in mobile traffic

If your website is out of date and not mobile friendly, it's time to invest in a website that is responsive. With your new mobile friendly website your business will thrive and you'll have opened up a huge opportunity for mobile ecommerce. Does your website need a refresh? Book a consult with the Hughes & Co. team and we'll demonstrate how your website can start to work harder for your business.