What does a recruitment marketing campaign look like?

Written by Hanna | 10/18/19 2:00 PM

Finding the right talent for your business is important for the efficiency and flow of your workplace. When you recruit for an open position at your company, you know exactly what you’re looking for. The hardest part is finding the ideal candidates and drawing them to your brand. We’ve put together the top three pieces of the puzzle that will make your next recruitment campaign a success:

Targeting your buyer persona

Whether you’re selling a product, hosting an event or offering a service, you need to know exactly the kinds of people who will be interested in your company’s offer. In the same way that we identify your target audience for your inbound marketing strategies, we undergo the same deep-diving research into your target persona as you look for the next all-star to join your team. Understanding who they are, their interests and how they like to be marketed to are all important factors in your campaign. Generating unqualified leads always costs more time and money than doing it right the first time, so why source unqualified candidates when trying to fill a role at your company? Make the most of your resources by targeting an audience that not only wants to join your team but has the skills to do the job well.

Messaging to attract your ideal candidate

Filling a job role may be more challenging than you think, which is why having compelling copy is critical for your recruitment campaign. Use language that will excite prospects about the opportunity of working at your company. Your recruitment material should reflect the voice and tone of your business to help prospects identify the atmosphere of your workplace. Attracting the right candidates that feel they’ll be a good fit at your company will boost employee morale and staff retention overall.

Location targeting

Just like you would pinpoint your target audience, you also want to make sure you’re targeting a specific location. Why? Well, you can use location targeting to find local candidates to join your team. After all, it’s easier and more affordable to recruit locally than it is to hire remotely. However, if you’re looking for a highly-specific individual with a rare skill set, you can use location targeting to deploy your recruitment campaign in an area with schools that train in these specific skills or in cities that also specialize in your industry. Social media advertising platforms make it easier than ever to target any location and demographics you seek at the click of a button.

Effective recruitment campaigns all start with one thing - research. Understanding your target audience will help you to find the candidates that will flourish in your workplace. As your business expands and you seek to bring on new talent, trust the marketing experts at H&C Inc. to nail down your target audience and attract candidates you’ll love. Your next recruitment campaign is just one call away.