Think about brands, companies or even individuals that stick out in your mind. Chances are, part of the reason you find these things and people memorable has something to do with the way they communicate. It is all about how they are crafting their online branding.
When it comes to your own brand, how do you communicate your message? In other words, what is your brand’s voice?
The way you communicate your brand online is what makes you unique and draws your clients to you. It distinguishes you from your competition and and makes a connection to your target audience. Your voice tells people who you are, what you are all about, what you believe in, what you can do. It directly defines your brand.
So how do you find your voice?
Hatch Creative Eggs
Sit down with your team and start brainstorming. Figure out what it is you want your brand to be known for and who you want to tell. What kind of brands do you and your team identify with and why? How do they convey their message and why does draw you in? What are you passionate about? What kind of mood do you want to set? How do you want your clients to feel when they are communicating with you?
Beyond your team, talk to your clients. What kind of words do they use to describe you? How can you translate that into your brand’s tone? For example, do they consider you to be edgy? If that’s a quality that you want to be known for, find language that reflects that trait.
Put On Your Thinking Cap
Consider your market and the language, grammar and writing style that would best suit your audience. Think about what kind of emotion you want to invoke in your clients when you interact. Do you want to be professional, chatty, formal, funny?
If you have different audiences or markets that you interact with regularly, you may need to think about using a different voice depending on who is listening. You don’t necessarily have to pin yourself to one tone exclusively, but try to maintain some form of consistency within your markets.
Get Real
Once you have decided on a voice, test it out. If you don’t feel comfortable, you’re likely not being honest. The most important part of finding your brand’s voice is being authentic and true to who you are and what you stand for. If you have to change your informal voice to suit that one ultra-professional client, maybe you aren’t being true to your brand. And when that is the case, can you really fulfill your client’s expectations? When you are honest with your audience, you’ll see your portfolio grow with happy customers who are the perfect fit for your company.