Is your blog content evergreen? How to create evergreen content and why it’s important

Written by Hanna | 8/20/19 2:00 PM

Keeping your blog fresh and relevant doesn’t have to be time consuming. Writing blogs with evergreen topics in mind will help to continue to drive people to your website. Evergreen content provides lasting value to you as a marketer and to your audience as information seekers as you provide content that remains timeless. Your website visitors love reading relevant content on the first click, and they will recognize you as an authority on the topic for being able to provide cornerstone content that educates leads and helps to resolve their issues.

How to keep content evergreen

Write about timeless topics

As you decide on a topic or begin writing your blog post, consider the content’s relevance in 3 months, 6 months, one year or even several years. Can someone still read the post and find value in it over a long period of time? Or is this topic only help for right now? While it is still important to keep up to date with industry trends, you want to make sure you have a healthy balance for timely and evergreen content on your blog as well. Timeless topics will keep your website relevant when search engine users search for a similar topic over time.

Not sure what to write about? Consider following a framework for evergreen content.

Incorporate SEO

If you’re going through the steps to make sure your content is built to last, you also want to make sure people can find it. Incorporating search engine optimization into your blog by using long-tail keywords relevant to your business and incorporating your keywords into critical elements of your blog posts such as titles, subtitles and at the beginning of your content. Optimize your posts searchability with these other helpful SEO tips.

Continue to use social media as a vehicle for your content

Keep your content thriving by reminding your followers, new and old, that this valuable content still exists. Just because you shared your content once before, doesn't mean there is no place for it on social media anymore. You wrote evergreen content for a reason - to keep it fresh and useful for months to come. So, make an effort to search back through your previous blog posts and bring them back to life with a social media post. Frame it as a #ThrowbackThursday post, or simple ask your followers if they’re in need of such helpful information (and provide a link, of course).

Keep website visitors coming back for the helpful content and your expert knowledge with evergreen blog posts. Haven’t started you blog yet? Let us help you take the first step to engaging and delighting your website visitors. Connect with us today to learn how adding a blog to your website can drive lead generation.