How you can develop the buyer’s journey for your business

Written by Carly Snider | 11/13/19 3:00 PM

Buyers can become overwhelmed when it comes to the number of options available to them when faced with a problem. This is why they need guidance through what is called the buyer’s journey. As a marketer, you can create content that is specific to each stage of the buyer’s journey in order to set your solution apart.

What is the Buyer's Journey

The buyer’s journey is the active process a potential customer goes through on their way to making a purchase. This process involves becoming aware of a problem they have, considering different options that offer them solution, and deciding which option will best solve their problem. Your job as a marketer is to create content that caters to each stage of the buyer’s journey to give prospects the information they need in order to guide them to the next stage. Keep on reading to learn about each stage of the Buyer’s Journey and how to nurture your leads into customers.

Stage 1: Awareness

The first stage in the buyer’s journey is awareness. This is when symptoms of a problem emerge, and the need to solve that problem is identified. Buyers begin to research their problem in order to better understand it, and try to find a solution. In this stage, the goal is to make potential customers aware of your presence in connection to their problem. You can do this by adding pillar pages to your website or publishing blog posts associated with a common problem you have identified for your buyer personas.

Stage 2: Consideration

The next stage in the buyer’s journey is consideration. Here, the buyer’s problem has been clearly defined and the goal is to learn about all the potential ways their problem can be solved. This is where your efforts should focus on engagement. By engaging with potential customers you are able to begin developing a relationship, as well as offer them a personalized experience. Content creation for this stage in the buyer’s journey should be about the solution to your buyer persona’s problem. You want them to know you offer what they are looking for.

Stage 3: Decision

The final stage in the buyer’s journey is decision. This is where the buyer takes all of the possible solutions they have researched and selects which method they are going to commit to. Buyers need reassurance in this stage that your solution is the best solution. Content created for this stage should offer information that answers potential customers questions about your product or service. This eliminates doubt for your buyer and allows them to confidently come to the end of their journey by finally making the purchase.

Understanding the buyer’s journey is essential to an inbound strategy, which can help your business expand. Now that you know what the buyer’s journey is all about, you can create content for all three stages including, awareness, consideration, and decision. By giving potential customers the information they need, you are able to build relationships while offering an experience that successfully attracts, engages, and delights. If you need more help with developing content catered to your buyer's journey, let's get in touch.