Getting more out of your social media audience

Written by Hanna | 8/31/16 9:08 PM

Keeping your audience engaged on social media is a difficult task with all the content being pumped out by brands on a daily basis that you’re constantly competing with. You want to lead those prospects through the marketing funnel, and starting with clicks, impressions, profile views, likes, and shares (engagement) can help you do so. It’s almost impossible to have everyone in your audience liking what you post, but there are ways to stay current and relevant, ultimately enhancing potential engagement.

Creating curiosity with content

Your social media is usually used with the goal of getting users from point A to point B. It’s often too hard to fully explain one of your marketing landing pages on a social post, so try directing users to your pages with engaging illustrations, videos, and posts with a call-to-action. Don’t be ambiguous with what users will find when clicking your link, but pique their interest and curiosity by making a promise or highlighting a subject they might not know a lot about.

Creating excitement on social media can also be done by running contests, user-generated content, and other social sharing media campaigns. Niagara Greek Festival is a perfect example in which we’ve utilized contests on their social pages to drive engagement and excitement.

Unique content to stand out

What’s going to make your brand stand out if you’re creating content that is similar to your competitors? Staying true to your brand identity can help ensure you’re creating content that is unique, and you’ll also stay relevant to users as they can relate to your like-minded content. Creating posts that ask questions, inherit a response or highlight an individual are all great ways to illicit a response from followers.

Content that makes sense

Creating content that isn’t relative to your brand and the industry you work in can result in a lack of connection to your audience. There’s plenty of ways you can approach your social posting, and how you want people to see your brand on social platforms. If you’re having trouble finding your niche, do some competitive research to see how others in your industry are engaging their audience, just remember to be unique!

Choosing the right platform(s)

Since each social media platform differs in the way you connect and engage with users, you need to find the right platforms to use and appropriate your content to said platform. Twitter is free-flowing, perfect to get your point across at the right times. Facebook is the go-to platform for your visual content, mainly video, due to large numbers of user engagement daily. Instagram is also for the visuals, just be sure to utilize colours and a short and to-the-point caption to drive your audience to engagement and potential purchases. LinkedIn can help you promote your content and get groups back to your page as it is best used to build an audience.

There’s plenty of ways to post on social media, though if you don’t pay close attention to your audience and what they’re attracted to, it’ll be hard to connect with them and keep them engaged. Creating the necessary content and choosing the right platforms to do so can go a long way in the game of social engagement. If you’re having trouble with your social strategy, connect with us to help you out.