Why people aren’t subscribing to your email newsletter and how to change that

Written by Hanna | 12/4/19 3:00 PM

Building monthly email newsletter can feel like it’s eating away at our time and resources, especially when your email subscriber list isn’t growing every month. If you’re starting to think your email newsletter are not effective - wait! The problem with your newsletter may not even be with your newsletter at all! Here are some of the reasons people are not subscribing to your email newsletter and how to draw them in to stay up on all the news your business has to offer!

Remove any barriers between readers and your newsletter

Unfortunately, we’re not kidding when we say people are easily deterred from simple action, this is especially true when it comes to the internet. We’re accustomed to getting exactly what we want, when we want it in the age of internet lightening speed, that’s why a simple deterrent such as too many fields to fill out on an email subscription form will keep people from signing up. Make sure your email subscription form is minimal. You can adjust your subscription form as needed to see which style resonates best with your target audience. 

You’re not pushing your email subscription anywhere but your website

If people don’t know you offer a monthly or bi-monthly email newsletter, it’s impossible for them to subscribe to it. For people who know about your business, but are not quite yet ready to actively seek out your website, you’ve likely got them hooked on social media. That’s why we recommend giving your email newsletter a shout out on social media every once in a while to tell followers how they can slowly get to know your business better (and take advantage of deals and discounts).

Implementing pop-ups on your website

Pop-ups are extremely easy to create and when in doubt - there is an app (read: widget)  for that. Because people don’t like to go hunting for information, a pop-up can be your best defence against distraction and disinterest on your web visitor’s part. We recommend adding a pop-up inviting web visitors to subscribe to your email newsletter on your most visited page. Often times, this will be your homepage. Be warned, adding pop-ups to too many pages will make it challenging (and annoying) when visitors try to explore your website - using pop-ups sparingly means using pop-ups effectively.

We know how challenging it can be to build an email subscriber list from the bottom up. However, these quick and easy fixes can be the solution to slowly growing your contact list and generating qualified leads.  If you’re needing help getting your email newsletters up and running, trust the content and design experts at H&C Inc. to develop stunning and engaging newsletter to convert subscribers into customers! Contact with us to get started!