What Your Marketing Company Does All Day

Written by Allie Hughes | 3/18/14 9:26 PM


Our clients are always telling us that we have the coolest jobs and that they wish they could come to work with us everyday. So you know what, we decided that you could. Here is life as an inbound marketer in a nutshell.

7:00am - Rise and Shine and Coffee

Just like you we are groggy and barely awake, not sure how our day will roll out and using caffiene as fuel to prepare for what is ahead.

7:30am - Matilda Walking

A burst of fresh air gets the brain working, and often these walks are where the big ideas come from. Maybe sometimes my clients wish I would stay indoors... my mornings tend to be filled with rapid fire phone calls with ideas to take things to the next level. My energy can't scare them too much, they let us execute on the really great ones.


9:00am - Office Arrival

Rolling into our new office is kind of all things wonderful. We have a hive for all of the creative energy that seems to burst out of us in the most wonderful way. When we are sitting in a room together we are unstoppable (or at least we feel unstoppable) and the notifications throughout the day of client leads are met with high-fives, big smiles and mini celebrations. We feel good about the success and it feels good to know that we are all equally as pumped up about it.


10:00, 11:00, 12:00 - Worker Bees

This is when the good stuff happens, we are working away and making the big ideas come to life. We sit at desks, we collaborate, we discuss. But fundamentally we work, just like the rest of you. What makes our work a little bit special? Same things that make yours... we love our jobs. We feel at home behind our monitors executing creative concepts and we do it all in the name of making our clients money. A lot of marketing companies are busy doing RFP's, we spend our time executing on inbound all around. Such a cool way to make things happen.


1:00pm - Lunch Time

Soaking up some soup as the cold weather leaves us. Soon it will be time to say hello to fresh vibrant salads but we can't let go of homemade chicken noodle just yet.


2:00 - Smile for the Camera

It is spring which means it is time to freshen up professional profiles. Our friends at Giant Shoe Creative came on site to snap headshots of a never-ending line-up of H&C clients. We work with so many industries that this day always proves fascinating. Lawyers, real estate developers, real estate agents, car salesmen, computer techs, marketers and, and, and, and! While there is much work to be done, a little catching up goes a long way in prepping my head for the dog walk the next day.


4:00pm - Client Meetings Off-Site

Strategizing for what we think will be one of the best campaigns to hit the Niagara Region in a few years. We can't wait for the creative execution on our latest big idea to hit it big!


5:00pm - Blog Writing and Calling it a Day

And here we are... the end of a busy day and we accomplished almost all of our goals. This week is a heavy one with plenty of work to do including the onboarding of some new inbounders. Can't wait to show them how this crazy corner of the marketing world is going to change everything for them.


So there you have it, a normal day of inbound and soon we will document a day of the more exciting. Things are about to get pretty neat around here, buckle up!