Twitter Introduces the Mute Button

Written by Allie Hughes | 5/12/14 6:32 PM



The social media sites of the present receive regular flack from frequent users over the noise. Facebook keeps introducing new paid content spaces and Twitter is actually listening. In one of their most user concerned moves yet Twitter is introducing the mute button for feeds you'd rather read without.


What is the Mute Button?

Hidden in your profile settings is the mute list to which you can add the relentless over-sharers, super-spammers and snooze-fest tweeters you would rather do without. Gone is the problematic "did you delete me from Twitter?" conversation. With a simple addition to the mute list your annoying friend is none the wiser. This is also exceptional for filtering out branded content that you only want access to when you're in a consumer state of mind.


Will they still see my Tweets?

You bet they will! Unless, of course, you've been muted on their end! They will be able to reply, retweet, favourite just as they've always been able to. In fact, the @ reply is the only tweet that you will be able to see and a conversation can take place. We are really loving this feature already.


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