Twitter introduces likes, replaces the favourites star with a heart

Written by Carly Snider | 11/4/15 3:33 PM


Twitter has changed one of  the fundamentals of their user experience. Yesterday marked a new era where users will now be clicking a heart to like a tweet instead of clicking a star to favourite a tweet. 

The reasoning: ease, clarity and reward. Twitter believes that the heart button will make more sense to new users, as they said on their website, “You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite.”

The goal of the switch is to encourage user engagement and the heart has become a universal symbol that social media users know well.

We’ll miss the favourite button. It had evolved for many users and favouriting something could mean one of many things.

  • Flirt fav
  • Passive-aggressive fav
  • Lazy fav
  • End of conversation fav
  • Bookmark fav

So what do you think of the change? Will you miss the favourite button and are you the slightest bit insulted by Twitter's “dumbing” down of its user experience? We hear this isn't the last change coming, there's been rumblings online of an expansion of the 140 character limit, so stay tuned. If you want to learn more about how to use Twitter for business click here.