The five things your website is missing

Written by Carly Snider | 7/27/15 7:48 PM

These suggestions have the power to transform your business’ website from an occasional stumbleupon, to a user friendly ‘favourite’ with increased lead generation capabilities. In our previous blog, "What your website’s homepage should say about your business," we discuss what you need to include on your homepage in order to develop a successful inbound marketing strategy. In keeping in tune with the theme of elements of a great website, today we will discuss the top five things your website is missing.

 1. Mobile friendly capabilities

A mobile website may seem like second nature to today’s screen-happy mobile users, as mobile phones have become a staple in everyday living. A study by analytic masterminds Kissmetrics found that mobile internet browsing has grown 1000% since 2009 equating to an increase of over 6% in worldwide activity.

This further suggests how important it is that businesses are in-tune with the latest mobile optimization. Mobile website optimization will boost engagement - generating more traffic per user than sites without mobile optimization.

In the end it all makes sense: optimize your website to be mobile friendly and engagement will follow.

2. Premium Content

Premium content is the ‘meat’ of your website and your online marketing presence. The idea is to develop a variety of content that will organically persuade leads. We have found that this key lead generation tool is often lacking as a major part of a business’ website.

When creating content think: webinars, blogs, videos, high quality images → content that varies in variety and represents your brand’s quality. This content will be the framework to which you will gain a better web presence overall, however it takes time and effort and consistent maintenance.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

By upgrading your website to be mobile friendly and upping the quality of your website content you increase your SEO optimization, they go hand-in-hand. Focusing on SEO will increase your presence online and will make it easier for potential customers to find you. Engaging an SEO strategy means understanding what potential customers search to find you, it's a complicated process that runs off specific algorithms, so we recommend working with an SEO company to help develop your strategy. 

4. A Targeted Audience

Perhaps the trickiest aspect of inbound marketing is finding and appealing to your audience. This step can take time, however understanding your audience and building content to reflect or appeal to them will up your online game - always think: Is my content reflecting my audience? And does it have the capacity to be being shared among my audience?

If your answer to these questions is no, then you know that your website needs some TLC in order for your audience to fully be engaged to convert into leads. Your websites content should always reflect the audience it wants to engage.

5. Clear and Concise Content

“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself” - Albert Einstein.  

Simplicity is key in the development of any website, this will not only clearly display who you are as a company but it will lend to your brand identity. Information should be clear, simple, and visually appealing to the eye. Clear content will sell your brand, your products and your reputation. When you write new content, don’t be afraid to take it to back to the drawing board and chisel away.

Ensure to incorporate these steps when it comes to redesigning your website and your online lead generation capabilities will transform. Get your clients to fall in love with your website by taking advantage of our free website assessment. Together we will help you figure out what tools your website is missing, connect with our Ontario inbound marketing agency today.