Rethinking Facebook & Twitter as lead generation tools

Written by Allie Hughes | 4/24/15 1:55 PM

There’s no denying that social media has changed the online world. Most of us have a personal profile on at least one network, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Most of us also use LinkedIn as a business portal, connecting with people in our industry and building our professional networks. Social media platforms are integral to inbound marketing strategies. When it comes to promoting your business and generating leads, LinkedIn is the most obvious choice, however it’s time to rethink Facebook and Twitter as lead generation tools.


Whether your business is big or small

There are several practical reasons why you should be utilizing Facebook and Twitter for lead generation. Both are extremely useful tools for marketing and can be used whether your business is small and starting out or is large and established. Through these social media channels, you can boost exposure for your business, increase web traffic and improve your ROI.

Social media is all about engagement and as a business owner, it’s your responsibility to create a sense of trust with consumers through engagement and consistent posting.

So what are the facts?

Social media has emerged as an essential channel for lead generation and 78% of small businesses attract new customers through social media. While the number of leads generated through LinkedIn is typically higher, Facebook and Twitter can have a significant impact on businesses as well.



Did you know that 1 out of 7 minutes spent on the internet is spent on Facebook? Businesses on Facebook have a market of approximately 1.2 billion and 52% of businesses with a Facebook profile see an increase in customers.


Twitter is an incredibly powerful network for businesses. In fact, 82% of all social media leads are collected from Twitter and 44% of companies that own Twitter accounts have experienced a hike in their number of consumers. Twitter has 200 million active monthly users, allowing your brand to engage with a large number of prospects.

How to use each network to its full potential

As the largest social network, using Facebook as a lead generation tool is a no brainer. Facebook allows you to set up your business either as a Page or a Group. A Page allows you to develop a following, market your brand, and interact with your followers. A Group acts like an online-forum, where members are encouraged to share and interact. You can make it member only or have it open.

While many social media networks utilize hashtags, none do it better than Twitter. The searchable hashtags allows users to find useful content and gives brands the chance to find and engage those prospects. As a business, you should ensure that any hashtags you choose relate to your brand and your content (we’ve all read enough horror stories on hashtags gone wrong).


Boost your content through paid avenues

You can promote both your Twitter and Facebook accounts to target who receives your posts, which can extend beyond who follows your brand. You can extend your reach and to ensure that your content is being found by people who will find it useful.


Twitter and Facebook are effective tools for generating leads when used successfully. They allow you to build your brand presence and remain active and engaged with followers, while successfully become integrated into the online social network.