Positive and Productive Change

Written by Allie Hughes | 4/28/14 8:23 PM




Why do you do what you do? Think about that. The dead honest, real why of your everyday. What is it? If the answer even remotely resembles "because it is what I've always done" we are glad we have your attention and we hope that we can help you change. 

We do what we do because we find innovation at our very core, because early adoption is like a badge of honour for us and because changing the face of marketing with a company that is committed and progressing makes us excited. Truly, we believe that the future of marketing is sitting on our desktops daily. We watch our clients build their trust in us, let us fly with their strategies and reap the rewards of open mindedness and a twenty-first century approach to growth. But how does all of that equal productive change? Well keep reading!


Change is good

Some might say that to work in an industry that demands a certain amount of change you have to be not only accustomed to but excited for the process. We love to enact change in our operations, we are regularly refining our processes and we call on our clients to do the same. Often our best success stories are the ones where our clients reluctantly embraced a piece of what we do and grew into a large account by meeting benchmarks and being hungry for more. 

So how are you embracing change in your industries? Some examples from the people that we are lucky to call clients would be an office equipment supplier that took the smoke and mirrors out of a notoriously foggy sales process. Instead of approaching with slick materials that offer only high level information and a publishing strategy that distracts from the core of the business, they tackle each sales process as an education opportunity and detail the straight facts about what they have to offer a consumer. This is a big change from their modus operandi of as recent as two years ago, but the results are exciting and the change is proving valuable. 


Change can be bad

Sometimes a change can leave a business wondering what went wrong. We acknowledge that poorly planned or considered change can be a detriment to successful business, so how do you move past that idea and focus on the positive elements that move you forward. The first is expertise. We know a lot about the murky qualification sets that are masked by clever rhetoric and the truth is, sometimes you need a real pro. We aren't suggesting that a certification trumps major successes, but they have to at least have one! This is a core element of a successful change, qualified leadership that is prepared to take you to the next level. 

An example from our client portfolio is the car sales business. Change was all around when a new dealership came to town and the old school way of selling cars was cast aside in favour of fresh blood to pump the dealership to big success levels. This approach has them crushing sales quotas, resetting their goals and having their best month ever again and again and again. It is pretty awesome to work somewhere that always has something to celebrate, just ask their happy staff!


Change must be productive

Once in a while we catch ourselves considering change for the sake of change. At times we have been coached to move outside of our primary offering, it felt wrong, it was wrong. We have been encouraged to change our offering to better meet the needs of our clients, it felt right, it was right. When we swapped our typical service model to take on being a HubSpot partner... lots of productive change. When we tried to enter the education game with regular offerings of classes under our Official Innovators program, not so productive change. You live and learn, but acknowledging what is holding you back and what directions won't propel success is a vital component to getting where you want to be.


So when you consider the "why do you do what you do" question, think really hard about how your answer is contributing to the business you want and the life you want. If you are making progressive steps towards something important, applause all around. If you are stalling and not considering the very real impact of your actions on your success and the success of those around you, pivot. Make the change and reap the rewards.


As always, an e-book to help you stay on track with your marketing and decide if change is necessary. Click to learn the 6 marketing metrics that are vital to digital success (and note: digital success is vital to marketing success... it is 2014. ;)