Niagara is Ontario's Next Inbound Marketing Success Story

Written by Allie Hughes | 9/10/13 6:16 PM

A few months back the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce hosted the Niagara Technology Summit. This was an event designed to open the eyes of Niagara based businesses to the technology opportunities in front of them that will enhance and change the way that they do business. Our own Allie Hughes took to the stage at this event to participate in a social media panel that fielded questions about online etiquette, apps for business and what mediums for which business.

In short, the talk was full of great advice and we've provided the video for you to check out at the end of this post! Before we get there, I want to give you my take on the day. Check out my Niagara Technology Summit Experience:

Ready, Set, Go!

Niagara’s Technology Summit got my creativity and adrenaline pumping! I walked away believing it’s a must attend event for all of Niagara’s entrepreneurs. The exhibits, expert breakout sessions and keynote address were all filled with moments of clarity, education, and inspiration to simply be better and faster at everything I do! The speed with which information can and is being aggregated is astounding. The capabilities of our devices and connections can have powerful impact on how we do business.

Getting Strategic

One particular breakout session was especially affecting because it was able to put things into perspective. Peter Corbiere, Senior Partner, Consulting for the BDC and Michael Poynton, Account Manager for the BDC gave a presentation on Developing a Custom Internet Strategy. I guess it’s obvious why that title would pull me in! Their presentation took me back to my education and roots in marketing and strategic planning. I was comforted by the notion that the more things change the more they stay the same.  If you want success with any strategy you have to be prepared to work it! I know brilliant isn’t it? 

"The only way to achieve success is to integrate into the overarching vision of the company."


Peter challenged everyone to understand that a successful internet presence needs effort. You have to be prepared to do the work. Plan to plan. In the context of a successful website alone an entrepreneur should plan on 100-150 hours of their time. Websites require sweat equity to work and as the leader you must be involved. This was reassuring to me because I have always felt that as I work I get better and faster at executing tasks for clients but the big projects seldom produce any sort of economies of scale. Each client is unique. Each need and functionality complex. The only way to achieve success is to integrate into the overarching vision of the company. There is no way to accelerate it. Plan to plan and be prepared to do the work!

Another great message from Peter, “Don’t lower your standards. Plan and prioritize your requirements.” What is your strategy and requirements? This is a very thought provoking question. Take a moment to think about the vision you have for your company. I am compelled to ask you, is your website an energetic and inspired reflection of that vision? Are the activities you are undertaking via social media in-line with where you want to take things? Is the future growth of your company being complimented and even fuelled by your on-line presence? Your answers to these questions will have impact and lead to sharpening your strategy.

What an awesome day to be a part of with the Hughes and Co. team. I walk away taking comfort in knowing it all takes time. It’s not going to happen over night and maybe that’s a good thing.  Crafting your company to be it’s absolute best requires that you carefully nurture its direction with thoughtfulness and control. With that we forge ahead and continue to explore how technology can make us all better at what we are inspired to do. 

The Strategic Foundation of Inbound Marketing

My role with Hughes & Co. is to be the strategic thinker that gets our family of clients thinking about the way that their online presence will impact their bottom line. Inbound Marketing is founded in the concept that all good marketing should be available for the consumer when they need it, and it should close the loop.

Consider a manufacturing company. Inbound Marketing makes a world of sense for this industry because the breadth of knowledge and expertise is vast and often needs to be broken down for potential consumers to understand, digest and want to move forward in developing a business relationship. If you craft your online presence to offer the answers your consumers are looking for, in the language that they are looking for it you can capture qualified attention. Thousands of visitors to a website is only good for business if you are in the business of selling advertisements on that website or if they are qualified traffic that are looking for what you offer.

Niagara has a world of unmet potential when it comes to online marketing. Inbound as a methodology is changing the businesses and changing the lives of business owners in your own backyard. Learn how this methodology can do great things for your company and your future and connect with our team. We can't wait to share our expertise with you!