MAJOR HubSpot Announcements from #INBOUND14

Written by Allie Hughes | 9/16/14 9:03 PM

We are SO excited to bring you some incredible news today. News for our existing clients and news for each and every prospect that is working with our team or who will work with our team. Today is a big day for the marketing industry and Hughes & Co. is thrilled to be dishing the details on a ground breaking announcement made by our technology partner, HubSpot just minutes ago.

HubSpot has announced the introduction of a CRM, a Client Relationship Manager, to continue their trend in revolutionizing the outdated practices of industry dinosaurs. Now you are not only benefitting from HubSpot in terms of Marketing support, but also in Sales support. For those of you that understand the Inbound methodology you will see the connection between the two ideas. We are revolutionizing the way that leads enter the pipeline and connect with your team, but now we are revolutionizing the way that the sales process plays out from there. 

The best part? The HubSpot CRM is being introduced as a FREE addition to existing HubSpot accounts. Even better? It will eventually be rolled out as a free CRM software for anyone that is looking to use one. If you can't feel the pride beaming through this blog post from our affiliation with this incredible and outstanding software company... rest assured that it is blinding! So now that we've released the goods, lets take a look at what the tool looks like and how it will perform. And stay tuned to the bottom, because we have snuck in another product release for you down there!


Why we are so excited about the CRM:

It is easy to use... instantly.

CRM's are notorious for being loaded with apps and tools and workflows and, and and. It is hard to use them, you need a team member dedicated to getting things set up. But never again will this be an issue. The HubSpot CRM is remarkable user friendly, designed with user experience at the forefront. This allows you to focus on selling, not configuring. We are empowering you to use your most valuable resources, your people, in the roles that they will excel in.

It saves time.

Logging emails and calls is so Aug 15 at 4:00pm, the new CRM by HubSpot works in the background and coordinates everything for you. Seamless customization, intuitive data organizing and a clean interface that is easy to navigate and more importantly, use.

It is revolutionary.

The sales process of today is different. It is multi-channel, it is research based, it has hundreds (sometimes thousands) of touch points. Social media accounts, blog posts, website content, phone calls... how can you keep up with what your prospects are doing? With a simple CRM solution that logs everything in one place to keep you sorted and on task for sales.


What the CRM is going to do for you:


It has never been easier to collect and store data. You will be organized with no effort as the CRM coordinates your contacts, companies, deals and tasks. It is reliable, intuitive and makes sure that you content is never duplicated. Don't distract your team from their roles, use a tool that works.


Keep track of what is happening in your sales funnel with our timeline function that features easily digested information about sales and success.


The CRM connects to your email and lets you send from right inside the CRM interface. Logging emails is easy when you're using a smart mail program. The CRM is compatible and seamless with Gmail, Google Apps, Outlook and Apple Mail.

Phone Integration

For an added fee you can actually CALL out of the CRM. As in, your CRM can record and track calls, it will automatically file those calls and it lets you focus on conversation not note taking. It will still be there when you're done!

Google Calendar Integration

The world's smartest calendar is fully supported and integrated with the world's smartest CRM. Go figure!

Data Enrichment

Instantly see new and important information about any contact, at any time. Background information, key employees, relationships, personal details... it is all there and it is all accessible. Awesome.

A few more screen shots for you (but keep scrolling... ANOTHER new product ahead...!)



Our next announcement: HubSpot is taking Signals to the Next Level... with Sidekick!

Tired of an email inbox over run with the unnecessary, the sales, the trying CC chains and other disruptive trends of the digital mail realm? Then you're going to love Sidekick. This new app connects to your inbox and your CRM to give you the details you want and need about the contacts and companies that you deal with on a daily basis.


What Sidekick tells you

Sidekick exists in your browser and spends the day with you as you work, navigate and browse. It delivers the valuable details about the contacts and companies that you interact with and find on the web. It logs these details in your CRM to make sure that when you are navigating the business landscape you are equipped with a solid arsenal of information that will propel your success.


How Sidekick tells you

Ever thought about how incredbily it would be to know more about the people that pop up on your signals account as they navigate your site or read your emails? Not using signals and always wanted the magic wand that makes you a mind reading customer service all star? Well, your wish is HubSpot's command. Sidekick delivers real-time notifications to tell you when, where and how your prospects are interacting with you and your brand. Are they opening emails, visiting your website? Now you will know. Plus, sidekick generates reports to help you track this data and turn it into a valuable metric for your company.


Send Later

Are you a night hawk that doesn't want to invite the onslaught of emails from clients at all hours? Are you constantly working to preserve your workflow and don't want to hop out of your pomodoro to get things done? Well the send later feature allows you to tee up your email communication without starting the chain reaction that emails ignite before you're ready and capable to handle the communication influx.


We've said plenty, introduced a lot and provided high level overviews of each. There is more coming, there is plenty on the sidelines and we will be in touch with more product details again soon. We cannot wait to start implenting this for you.