Interacting on Twitter for Business

Written by Carly Snider | 9/3/13 6:37 PM

Let’s face it, Twitter is taking over when it comes to social media, but if you’re new to this form of conversation in 280 characters or less, it can get a bit overwhelming. To get you pumped for your foray into the Twitterverse, check out this video by the creators themselves on how brands are being pretty amazing in this online chatter-sphere:

You’ve created a profile, you’ve started following people you find interesting, but now what? How do you get to know these people? And how do you start engaging conversation? You won’t make any connections from the sidelines, so jump in and get tweeting.

Everyone has a reason for tweeting, whether it’s to connect with people in their industry, publicize their company, website or themselves, spread a message or even just to make new friends. Whatever the reason, these people want to connect!

Start Interacting

It’s easy to get interacting — Twitter even provides you with the perfect outlet: the Retweet. If you see a comment that strikes you, simply hit Retweet and pass that message along. Try commenting on the Retweet (“RT @username: something super interesting! <-Wow! I never thought of this, where do people come up with these ideas?”) and get a conversation going. People will reply!


Speaking of Retweets, when someone Retweets or Mentions you, thank them! Let them know you appreciate it and make it personal. Always reply to comments and you will likely initiate a new connection in the Twitterverse and encourage more interaction.

(Note: When you’re replying or mentioning someone, if you hit the reply button or start your comment with @username, only those who follow both you and @username will see your post. So try something like “Hey thanks for retweet @username!” instead.)

Join the Conversation

Don’t be shy, jump into conversations you see happening. Answer questions, ask questions, give opinions. And Mention, Mention, Mention! You can’t make a connection if you don’t try connecting with people yourself!

Using the Hashtag

And finally, the #hashtag. Yes, it can be overused, but it can also be very useful. Hashtags help to categorize conversations on Twitter. If you’re looking for something specific or want to see what is trending, the hashtag is your best friend. And if you’re running an event or trying to start a specific conversation, create a hashtag that defines you. It will make it easy for people to find all the tweets related to the event or conversation and, who knows, maybe get you trending worldwide!

  Twitter can be a great tool to get people talking about you, your brand or even just a great place to meet like-minded Tweeters. To kickstart your immersion in the Twitterverse follow all of the Hughes & Co. team and get Tweeting!