Infographics: When to Use Them

Written by Hanna | 5/1/14 6:28 PM

Infographics are simply a visual (like a chart or diagram) used to represent information or data. They can be used in many different ways to help and present findings in a more simplified way than words can. Here are some of the most popular ways infographics are used. 

Presenting Survey Data

Have you ever read statistics about something and there was no visual paired with it? Make its difficult to fully understand, doesn’t it? Most people are visual learners, which  means not everyone can read a paragraph about numbers and understand it. When  you add an infographic, it helps to make it easier for the reader to pull meaning. One key to presenting an infographic is colour. When comparing multiple types of data in a  single graph, using different colours makes it easier to read and more visually appealing (compared to different shades of the same colour).

Explaining how Something Works

In addition to making something information easier to digest, infographics can be used to show how something works or is put together. Graphic designers are able to put together a series  of drawings to come up with one image that explains all the items working parts. An infographic helps to break down the complexity of a product and present it to a  consumer in a simpler way. Labels and arrows are added to the images to make sure all  parts are clearly labeled and understood. 


Infographics help to show the similarities and differences between two products, or even the same product, by breaking down the confusion and making it clear. Having a  side-by-side comparison between your product and the competitors, it helps to show  the increased benefits your product and company will bring to the customer.

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