How to make affordable video content

Written by Hanna | 8/6/19 2:00 PM

So many people are closed off to the idea of integrating video content into their marketing campaigns when they hear about the cost of professional videography services. We get it. It’s hard to invest in something when it seems much more affordable to simply post static images. However, we’re starting to see video take social media by storm. A study conducted by HubSpot showed that 54% of social media users prefer to see video content opposed to other forms of content. Putting interesting video content doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars with the right mindset and the right tools. Here is our guide to creating high-quality, low-budget video content.

It’s okay to use your phone

Gone are the days of lugging bulky and expensive cameras on our shoulders. We live everyday with high-quality cameras in our pockets and purses. Release in 2017 the iPhone X can shoot video in 4K and is packed with a variety of setting for you to play around with. Get to know the ins and outs of your phone’s video capabilities for taking you built-in camera for a spin around the office. You don’t have to go out and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on equipment you don’t know how to use.

Affordable filming tools

We highly, highly, highly recommend shooting video with a tripod. In today’s tech-savy world, you can attach almost anything to a tripod from cameras to microphones to cell phones. Not only that, but you can get one of these handy devices for less than $50. Check out this list of highly recommended cell phone tripods. If you’re in a situation where a tripod won’t work, there are other options. We love this cell phone video rig that uses your gross motor skills (arm muscles) instead of your fine motor skills (finger muscles) to optimize your video’s stabilization - yay, no shaking video. There are also tons of how-to videos online to show you the best techniques for tools like these. The right tools can serve as game changers when it comes to the quality and cost of your video production.

Affordable video editing apps

Once you have shot your video, it’s time to really make the magic happen - the editing magic that is. New apps are coming out every day that give you the ability to edit fresh content right on your phone in a matter of minutes. The Adobe Premiere Rush app is a great place to start for beginners. It supports 4K video and you can download it on your iPhone or android phone for free. For more advanced editing software, just $30 can get you the LumaFusion app. This editing software is exclusive offers for iOS (sorry android users) and give you professional grade editing capabilities right on your phone or tablet. Trying out a few free apps, or even free trials, can be a good first step to finding the right software for your video marketing needs.

With these tools, we are confident even the most skeptical content creator can make social-media worthy video within a reasonable budget. For the times when you need professional level videography for your brand’s online presence, we’ve got the services in-house to keep your brand on the cutting edge of marketing trends for optimized ROI. Contact us today to learn more about how video can make your brand come to life online