How often should I blog?

Written by Allie Hughes | 3/24/14 1:09 PM

When the thought of blogging crosses your mind we want it to be met with jubilation... we know this isn't always the case. We are not naive to the impression that blogging takes a lot of time. Why? Because it does take a lot of time. There is no getting around the requirement to either put in the hours or outsource your content. But how often is enough? How can you speed up the inspiration process and how can you be certain that it is working?

Blog Frequency

When we discuss blogging with our clients or even when we are chatting with business owners that are picking our brains about how they can be better at building a digital presence we discuss speed of impact over frequency. How fast do you want your website to start generating strong qualified leads for you? That is your answer for frequency.

Fast - I want my business to start to see results within the next 6-8 months. This doesn't mean that you won't see a trickling impact as soon as you start to make the transition, but that you won't see a regular and sustainable impact until you are 6-8 months into your strategy. The 2 month gap accounts for how strategic you're being, the keyword density percentage of your posting and your ability to leverage social mediums to take advantage of an active and engaged audience.

Faster - I want my business to be generating measurable results from online marketing in 4-6 months. This frequency of blog posting will see you hit a high level of relevancy (Google loves that) and will see your website become a hub for the researching consumer in your industry because of its frequent updates with valuable information. Your site will see impact quickly, your commitment to regular content creation is fueling a strong social media strategy and you look undeniably open for business.

Fastest - Blogging 7 days a week. This is a commitment to content that is often unparalleled outside of the journalistic endeavours of the professional bloggers. You will quickly be recognized as the generator of frequent industry leading content, a progressive professional that understands the consumers desire to know more about the products and services they trade their dollars for. This will see your website generating measurable results in 3-4 months with a very quick impact out of the gate.

How to keep the content coming

One of the best ways to ensure that your content is easily published is to create a list of topics that you can pull from when the inspiration seems far away. Some of the ways we do this are brainstorming sessions with word webs. We get suggestions using the Google Ads Keyword Tool.. really we take any and all measures to generate a list that is 30-40 topics long that we can pull from when the ideas just aren't coming. What is even better about this tactic is that you sat as a team and went through each topic, so taking from the list reignites the inspiration that made you write it down in the first place.

We hope this post inspires you to get your content to the forefront of your marketing priority list. If you're looking for help to make blog writing a regular part of your marketing efforts, our content experts at H&C Inc. can do that for you. Connect with us today to get started.