Here's why I'm practicing the gift of giving

Written by Hanna | 12/10/15 8:09 PM

The holidays are fast approaching (15 days!), and what to buy friends and family are at the forefront of all of our minds. It’s the time of year when the rush of December leaves you struggling to catch your breath. Rather than enjoying these times, alot of us are just hoping for the hectic times to come to an end. We’re also usually caught up with what’s going on in our own lives,  we forget to take a moment and remember the people that are celebrating the holidays without the same opportunities that we have.

Here’s to stepping back and remembering the true spirit of the holidays and how giving to others can ignite in you a passion that we sometimes seem to forget that we have.

This holiday I am practising the gift of giving by asking my community to help me fund a school in Haiti.  Giving the gift of education this holiday season feels like the best thing I can do and here’s why.

It’s not just about giving money

When looking to support a good cause during this time of year, supporting children is always a good choice. Growing up here in Canada, I’ve been fortunate enough to grow up in a democratic country, one that continues to strive to reduce poverty and makes education a priority even to those who don’t struggle financially.

Many children around the world, don’t get this same opportunity as hunger, poverty, and a lack of education is real life everyday. Choosing to impact the lives of these less fortunate children can go a long way this holiday season, with an education we provide hope and lessons on how to grow from poverty.    


Giving is scientifically good for you

Charitable behaviour not only benefits a cause that you support, but it also benefits your psychological, spiritual, and emotional well-being both short and long term. Studies that measured cortisol in the bloodstream found that when people gave more, the stress hormone dissipated more quickly in their blood.

With these good deeds putting us in a good mood, picking a charity that aligns with your values further benefits your well-being. We can all agree education is an important tool for society, and that all children should have the opportunity to receive it. With that being said, let’s feel good about ourselves, together.  


Bringing more meaning to your holidays

It may be cliché, but we all know that giving always feels better than receiving. We can also make an impact this holiday season through bettering our life choices too. It may seem minimal but, by just cutting out meaningless foods like chips, pop, etc. from your household and donating that same amount of money to charity you are making a huge difference in someone's life.

Reflecting on your values can also make your decisions this season feel more meaningful. Rather than purchasing mainstream gifts, think about purchasing gifts that help artisans in developing countries, or making purchases at small, local stores. With whatever savings you accumulate, donate to a charity and help add to your feel-good moments this holiday season.


The holidays are always a fast-paced time of year and sometimes we forget that the small stuff can go a long way. These ideas can help you feel good about yourself this season, and maybe we can catch our breath together.

If you’re wondering where to get started, check out our Change Heroes campaign page. We’re doing real work with a minimal commitment, whether it’s $5 or $300, the gift of an education will remain priceless to the kids who attend our school.