Digital Quotient - Thriving in the Digital Economy

Written by Carly Snider | 12/4/15 6:10 PM

We’ll say it, marketing strategies are in constant change, but one constant that remains, is that every business needs a digital marketing strategy. Those companies and leaders who invest in their digital savvy are able to consistently outperform competitors in their industry.

Enter the concept of digital quotient and the idea of measuring how successful your business is doing on digital platforms and in the digital economy. And from that measurement, developing a thorough understanding of where you can take actionable steps to further thrive in the digital economy.

Does your business have a strong digital strategy? How can you up for digital quotient to start thriving in the digital economy?

Measuring your digital assets 

Digital quotient or DQ is term coined by global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Essentially it is a measurement and assessment of a businesses maturity across digital platforms. By assessing your digital quotient you can understand what actions need to be taken by your organization to begin to strengthen your digital presence and drive your online ROI.  

Digital marketers who operate on the HubSpot inbound philosophy measure undertake what we refer to as an inbound assessment in order to arrive at these results.  Where digital experts, crawl your website and digital platforms to discover your growth potential and provide advice on growing your digital strategy moving forward. 

How to raise your DQ and inbound potential

Every leader, employee and business in general should work to familiarize themselves with digital platforms, most importantly social media networks. Smart businesses hire a digital marketing agency or hire a digital maven to handle their digital assets.

Raising your DQ should start with social media, go to where your audience is, and then begin engagement strategies. That could be sparking a discussion on Twitter about an important topic or trend in your industry or writing a column and publishing it on LinkedIn in a group of like-minded industry people. Businesses should be open and willing to listen and engage back with your audience.

Businesses that communicate effectively across social media platforms and who utilize those digital platforms to share knowledge and perspective position themselves to be thought leaders in their industries. 

Inbound potential also hinges on your digital assets, a concentration should be made on developing compelling digital assests that attract potential customers and at the same time drive consumer loyalty.


Investing in an inbound marketing strategy or a digital strategy improves your digital quotient and heightens your sales opportunities, resulting in cutting edge online marketing with high ROI. At Hughes & Co. we are experts in developing content that will attract and compel interaction and engagement with your brand. Learn more about our strategies by booking a free consultation