Controlling Your Company Narrative through Storytelling on Social Media

Written by Allie Hughes | 4/8/19 6:25 PM

People are social creatures. We resonate with stories. A compelling company narrative is a great way to get people to interact with your company. Get your customers listening and engaging.

Storytelling is not a new phenomenon, but Social Media is changing the way that we do it. It’s a form of content marketing, which means it is content that isn’t explicitly promoting your product or company but it stimulating interest. By using Social Media, not only can you share your company narrative with your followers, but you can invite them to be part of the story.

Build Your Company’s Narrative

What makes your company unique? Your company is more than just the service you provide. It is made up of people and those people comprise your company’s personality. Figure out what your company’s personality is. Ask employees or clients to get their take on it. Then, make sure you’re portraying that personality in your messaging. People resonate with personalities and social media is the perfect tool to share your personality.

Using Instagram Stories to Tell Your Narrative

Instagram will be celebrating two years of Instagram Stories in August of 2018. Instagram is constantly launching new ways to engage with your followers even further. The addition of stories has made it so users are spending more time on the platform. Businesses should take advantage of these storytelling opportunities, as one in five organic stories from businesses receive a direct message.

Stories let you be personal. You can take your followers behind-the-scenes of your company and introduce them to people in your organization. This is a great way to keep your customer’s in the loop. If your team is working hard on a project, share their hard work with your instagram followers. Use features such as Polls and Sliders to invite people to join the narrative. Keep up-to-date on the new features Instagram is constantly rolling out on the Instagram Info Center.

Let’s discuss the CTA’s on Instagram stories. A company that has over 10,000 Instagram followers can add a link to their stories. When they do, a “See More” CTA will appear at the bottom of the screen. This is not the most compelling CTA. Companies using this feature can take control of their CTA by adding persuasive text that compliments the image. Make sure your followers know exactly where the link will take them.

If your company doesn’t have 10,000 Instagram followers, you can still use a CTA to direct your followers to a link. If there is a relevant link in your bio, be creative and use compelling language to direct them there. If you provide them with a good reason why they should be interested in your link, they will likely visit.

You can also take advantage of Instagram Live. This gives your customers an opportunity to interact with you in real time. You can actively see the engagement as it’s coming in.

It’s Time to Utilize Facebook Stories

Facebook is likely the first platform that comes to mind when you think about social media. However, when you think about the story format, it comes in behind both Instagram and Snapchat. What is great about Facebook stories is that stories can be created for pages. This includes events.

The way people are interacting on social media is ever-changing. User-generated content on Facebook is declining. People are updating their statuses and uploading pictures less often. However, people are engaging with compelling posts and finding out the latest news on the platform. People are interested in stories and the story format is the easiest way to consume this content.

Groups of people can contribute to a Collaborative Story. This can either be for an event or simply a group of friends. If you are hosting an event, event attendees can take control of the narrative by adding their own experiences to your story. This is great, as they are now acting as promoters.

Utilize Facebook live. If you have something exciting coming up, promote it and hold a Facebook live event. People can actively communicate with one another and you can actively see the engagement.

Be Creative in Your Messaging

Use social media to provide your followers with a creative narrative that they’ll want to participate in. Be creative in your storytelling. Stimulate interest by taking control of your company’s personality. Our content creators are master storytellers. So, if you can't find the words, trust the talented wordsmiths at H&C Inc. to tell your brand story to perfection.