Be More Productive Without Doing More Work

Written by Allie Hughes | 4/14/14 9:07 PM
The world is moving at a faster pace than ever before and that calls on us to do the same. It can be exhausting in any industry, and in ours especially we are moving at warp speed to accomplish goals, meet deadlines and generate results. We thought that today we would share some tips on how we manage to do more work in less time and maintain some healthy balance in our lives.


Downtime is non-negotiable

While the urge to sit at the desk and cram in as many work hours as possible may feel productive, it is actually counter-productive. No matter what industry you exist in there is a need for creative energy, passion for work and a recharged sense of excitement for what you do. In fact, research suggests the same. When you give your brain time to be out of control, as in, not locked into work mode, you are doing yourself a big favour. Let your imagination run wild, be the free thinker you remember being once upon a time and let your mind envelope every piece of inspiration you can find. This is when the magic happens.


Be helpful

One of the best mood enhancers that we've come across is a good deed. Not only does it give you a sense of "hell yes!", it removes your thoughts from the things that typically keep your head busy. Volunteer for an organization you believe in and do it in a bite size piece that is manageable for your schedule. Spend your time making an impact outside of the office and then return to the office with a sense of accomplishment and a thirst to cultivate that same feeling within the confines of your professional life.


Declutter (your head and your space)

Um, clean your desk. Honestly, it helps. Clean up your desktop, empty the trash icon on your computer. Every piece of decluttering in your physical space will extend to a tidier mental space. Once the physical is free from thought distracting debris, head to a yoga class, go for a walk, sit in silence for 20 minutes. Do whatever it is that helps your head escape the thoughts that cause you stress. Fresh air, exercise, friends, family... any of the items that take you to your happy place, do that more!


So how does the above make you work harder and faster, it eliminates the knee-jerk reaction to do anything but work at work. We have all sat at our desks and flipped around on news sites, read gossip columns and checked out a few too many Buzzfeed lists. Personally, guilty as charged. But when you fill the time outside of the office with things that are energizing and exciting, you are ready to get down to business to get back to doing other things that you love. We believe in work smarter, not harder. Long days and busy-ness are old competitive elements of the working world that we would rather leave behind. Less hours in the office, more time living, highly effective time spent at the desk. Now THAT is something to aspire to!

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