Announcing our Silver Agency Status with Gratitude

Written by Allie Hughes | 7/29/14 12:47 AM
It is with an immense amount of pride, heaping spoonfuls gratitude and as much excitement as I can muster, that I announce our HubSpot Silver Partnership. This accomplishment is one that few agencies reach, and that even fewer reach in their first year of partnership. Hughes & Co. has achieved this milestone as an agency in our first 10 months with HubSpot. Simply outstanding.


What does it mean?

This status means that Hughes & Co. is amongst top performing agencies that are using the HubSpot platform. Being in this group is achieved through the number of clients that we have working on the HubSpot platform, and also through the success of those clients. Their success is determined by a few key factors:

- Number of leads generated through the inbound marketing methodology

- Percentage of traffic increase to client websites through inbound strategies

- Successful application of the inbound methodology to client industries


How did H&C make it happen?

Hughes & Co. is comprised of a really amazing team. Without the commitment from each team member to wholly understanding the inbound methodology, this wouldn't have happened. Our team is inbound certified and HubSpot certified, two components that have propelled our achievement in this growing corner of the marketing world. 

In addition to learning how to inbound, the H&C team is full of believers. We firmly believe that this is the future of marketing, simply because we see it in action for our business and for our clients, and it works. We are not flipping a switch, we are utilizing a proven methodology that directly impacts the growth of our clients through measurable marketing. That truth is what makes each member of the team live inbound for our clients. Traditional marketing does not pass through these walls, we believe in what we practice.


Who we have to thank

In the beginning of this journey we had a few clients that hopped on board and made it possible for us to grow. They believed in us, they trusted our leap into the early adoption of this marketing and they are growing as a result. To Mike, Alex, Anne... thank you. You believing in us propelled this success and your continued belief in us makes us grateful for you daily.

To all of our client family, thank you. You are what makes us who we are, who help us grow, who teach us about your lifes' work and share with us the stories that brought you to today.

To HubSpot, thank you. Your support team has given us the tools to succed in software, but also in support. You have an incredible team full of outstanding and talented individuals. We are lucky to be working with you.


So with that, I thank you. You read our blogs, you visit our website, you download our resources and your positive feedback reminds us that while we market, you learn and grow your businesses too. Here is to achieving gold!