A simple guide to Pinterest and Business

Written by Hanna | 3/31/14 8:07 PM
The youngest social media network is rapidly on the rise. Pinterest was launched in March of 2010, and in such a short time, Pinterest has over 70 million users to date, and about 1.5 million places are pinned daily. At such a growing rate, Pinterest has clearly made a statement that says, "I'm here, I'm in, make use of me now!" Time waits for no one. It's time to take advantage of this network, and this blog will teach you how.

How to play

Utilize the clock

Timing is key when it comes to Pinterest. From taking time to properly set up your Pinterest account, to timing your pins to attract the best customer responses. What this calls for is some serious research. You should know when your ideal customers are online, know what they are pinning and when they are pinning. This takes time, but the more thorough a job you do, the better the response you get. According to Pinterest, high traffic hours are from 2-4PM as well as evenings and weekends. Pins stay online for a few days or weeks so don't feel pressured to be pinning like crazy everyday. A couple a day will suffice.

Make friends not fans

Don't be afraid to interact with your customers on Pinterest. Even though it is a business tool, keep in mind that Pinterest is still a social media network. So be social. Don't just pin, but repin. And also pin things that are not always about you directly, but other companies in your field or interesting things that have to do with your business. Also, don't be reluctant to follow interesting users. By following users your company begins to build a community of users interested in what you have to pin, and becomes more of a realistic and human profile, as opposed to just a company page.

Be an industry leader

Take advantage of the opportunity to repin posts that are not directly from your company. By pinning  constantly about trending topics in your industry, you become the lead source of information. Being a leader in your industry, customers look to you for advice, tips, and guidance. Once you establish this relationship with your customers, its nothing but smooth sailing!

Where to start

Before you jump the gun, get started on that detailed, compelling account profile, and also feel free to download this free Ebook on starting your social media strategy. Happy Pinning!